Thursday, August 11, 2011

Unexpected Checks & A Crazy Week

I got my work gasoline check rebate for $1.94 the other day... So, to make sure i'm on my game with turning in my mileage, I made a point of filling out the forms again for everything I've driven from my last gas check till now.

Since I had an off-site meeting and my shifts were split this whole week between two locations, it looks like i'll be getting a rebate check for $18.43 in a couple weeks. =)

I also got an unexpected check for $5.10 in the mail from when I did my second day of jury duty. Apparently they automatically calculate the mileage based on where your house is. So it was an nice unexpected surprise. =)

But the rest of the week, not so much...

After SCB went to work on Monday I was contemplating breakfast since it was only 6am... so I went to get some cereal and I found a bug... a nasty bug hanging out by the cereal and I was utterly disgusted. It took me so long to get the never up to kill it (but I did... after a few false starts and skittish girly movements). We eventually found out why and how it go there, but I'll get to that later.

I sent a picture of the bug to SCB, and told him it was by the 4 boxes of open cereal... and he got the point. He knows I get grossed out by bugs so I was glad that out of all the cereal boxes we had in there, most were basically empty and we were only loosing out on about one that was half full... (of course the full box was also the cereal I eat.... and he knew I wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole after this morning unwanted guest). All the rest of the items in the pantry were sealed still or canned goods so we didn't need to throw out anything else.
Bye bye Cereal....
My honey already needed to pick up some work gloves, his prescription meds (i'll post about his doctors visit later), some Gatorade, and a calf brace to wear on his arm for work... So we already knew we would have some unplanned spending, but the bug just added to the pile and sent things into over drive mode.

So after he had already been to Walmart, Sport Challet, & home depot... we went out again to Walmart to stock up on more cereal, and some bug killer... and then down to Bed Bath and Beyond to buy some air tight containers for our cereal to live in (the only thing that we generally don't keep in a sealed container because we never had to worry about it going stale...) and while we were there we picked up another beach towel since they magically restocked it and some more reusable ice cubes for SCB's lunch pail to keep his sack lunch nice and happy.

Later on I opened up the pantry and realized where the bug came from. We bought a bad bag of potatoes at the grocery store. We were rushing a bit at Fresh and easy and i only checked a few of them in the bag to make sure it was good... apparently there was a really bad one in  the bottom.

Either way, it was a purchase we would have eventually had to make... just wish it wasn't this week.


  1. Whenever I eat cereal I always freak out that there might be a bug in the box. I really need to buy an airtight container.

  2. Ew bugs!

    I had a potato horror story this month too... I bought some and forgot about them for while. Instead of just sprouting, one liquefied. Not sure why, but it smelled so gross. It took me a few days of "do you smell that?" "where is it coming from...?" before I figured out what it was.

    Also - I like your tastes in cereal :)

  3. We went to Bed Bath and Beyond with a 10% off coupon and a $5 off $15 coupon. I paired it with a gift card we had a few dollars left on so it wouldn't hurt the bank account so much.

    We will be doing mad amounts of cleaning this weekend.

  4. Rice is my enemy, or more specifically, the little black bugs that sometimes seem to survive the radiation that rice is put through prior to being put on the shelves here in the US. The bugs multiply in the rice (gross!) and then ESCAPE into the other food. Horror! So now, anything that is not in a can stays in our fridge. My Texas town is not tropical, but it sure seems to be, with all of the wildlife running amok in my kitchen cabinets.

    Anyway, I sympathize - I imagine this is what a parent with a kid with lice feels like - horrified and grossed out.

  5. We keep everything in jars with lids so our rice and flour are in large containers made of glass... and they live on our counter because bugs don't like light (but love the shade of the cabinets).
