Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I hate buying shoes

I know that i'm a girl and I should love shoe shopping... but I absolutely hate it.

First off, I have small feet and little toes... but they are aren't completely "petite" and also aren't considered "wide." This makes it incredibly hard to shop for shoes since i have to find a pair wide enough for them but also short enough that my heel won't "pop out" when I walk... and since i'm short I have to rule out any shoes that have a strap that goes around the ankle because they cut me off and make me look like a midget.

So I basically live in wedges... and finding a comfortable pair that won't dig into the wrong parts of my feet is a challenge... especially since I don't want to drop $50 on a pair of shoes just to "think they fit" while i'm in the store... only to have them murder my feet the first real time I really go to wear them.

So, since my sister is a shoe-aholic, I normally take her cast-off's. Here's where the $4 "shoe goo" from Walmart comes in handy..

I wanted to save an old pair of my sister's "cast offs" that had finally seen the end of their normal time... Both shoes were coming apart!!!

So the hubby utilized the shoe goo and we let them kick it for a few days on the coffee table to dry... and voila! good as new :)

Normally I would have just tossed them out because I didn't even know shoe goo existed... I like learning new things :)


  1. I didn't know shoe goo existed either! I need to buy some.

  2. My husband loves Shoe Goo! Thanks to Shoe Goo, and his good care of his shoes, he's got shoes older than our kids.

  3. I hope this means I won't have to buy shoes for a long time... :)

  4. I have never heard of this stuff! I hate having to throw away a pair of shoes that I LOVE because they are falling apart.

  5. and its $4 at Walmart... you can't beat that!
