Thursday, January 13, 2011

January "No Spend Month Update"

So it's been 12 full days of January... and the only thing I've spent money on is groceries, gasoline, the original car costs for my maint, and my utilities.

I haven't bought anything non-essential so far.

I thought I was going to pay for one meal out (My best friends mom had a blood clot in her leg and I couldn't say no to my friend--- she needed to hang out and since she lives far away, I met her up by her work so staying in wouldn't have worked... So we met at a Denny's by her work.)

When It came time to check out and pay, she wouldn't let me. Adamantly refused.... but that's her for you.

I"m almost 1/2 way there.

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome. I honestly don't know how you're so disciplined. I try but little expenses creep up here and there. Good for you!
