Friday, January 28, 2011

I Will pay off my wedding dress!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I logged into my bank account this morning because its "pay day friday" and with the MLK holiday and that extra shift I picked up, i'll be able to pay off my dress in its entirety and have some extra cash leftover at the end of the month!!!!!

$129.31 leftover =)

I need to order the tote bags so they can get here in time to give to Keith's mom to add the embrodery, so I'll use some of that for the bags, but it looks like i'll still have $100 to allocate!

Now last year (2010) I saved up my car insurance bill for this year (2011), so I have the money to write the check for the bill that's on my counter right now... (and a few extra dollars since its a little cheaper this year). So I think i'll deposit the $100 to go towards next years registration so I won't have to worry about it for a while... or we may need to use it to pay for Keith's registration on his car, or towards the fee to SMOG his car next month. So with way, i'll earmark this for auto something or another.

And, I got my California rebate today too. So I immediately opened an ING savings account and marked it "Wedding" so the $728 won't be spent yet. When the account gets $1000.00 in it (ie when i get my federal return) i'll transfer the $1,000.00 to my ef to replenish it.

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