Friday, January 28, 2011

and emotional ride--- update on Keith coming to Cali

Well, last night i was a crying emotional wreak. For about an hour Keith wasn't moving to California in February. When he sat down to tell his parents that my mom wouldn't let me stay with her, they weren't supporting his coming to california so soon and took the stance "unless amanda's at her mom's, your not going out there in February..."

After a few conversations, freak outs, and phone calls, we reached compromise land. If Keith has a for sure job or at least an audition for a job (Ie, the construction group my friend Ralph works with will pay Keith a laborers wage to see what Keith can do, and what he can learn), and we figure out a housing situation where one of us isn't living in the condo, than he can still move out early.

They even got us some shelving units for the closet at the condo that I use for storing my holiday decorations and what not so we can get more stuff in there, and still find things. (Which was really nice of them... they are soooo supportive, its fantastic).

So i talked with Ralph, told him March 1st for working, and he's lining stuff up and talking to people, but he told me he'd have something for him-- so we can tell his parents he's good with a job/audition.

Thank you for all your posts and ideas on the housing front.

Why Keith can't stay with my mom:
She hasn't had a man live in the house since i was 8... and the drinking will still be an issue.

why my sister's place is out of the question:
She thinks Keith doesn't like her (which isn't true, he just doesn't care if she likes him because he's not a big fan of her personality and how she treats people like doormats.)... she's still pissed about not being a bridesmaid, and she already lives with her boyfriend in a one bedroom with 3 dogs and there is just no way she'd say yes since she doesn't want us to get married.

Why my "brother's house" won't work long term
My brother pays around $400 to rent his parents 2 bedroom townhouse, his craigslist roommate pays like $800 and doesn't know Blake only pays $400... (his parents are okay with just having the monthly expenses covered at the condo, because they like helping their youngest son finally move out and begin to be an adult-- and they like that he's living in a nice, rich, safe area and are will to subsidize that for him so he's not living and sharing a room with friends in a doggy part of Costa Mesa....) So, since there is a roommate in the deal, keith would only be able to crash there every once and a while maybe 1 or 2 nights a week... But blake is going to chat with him to see if something else can be arranged.

What our game plan is...
it will probably be easier at this point to find a place for me to stay. I'm trying to work with a few families, but the ones I thought might be able to help us, can't because of some circumstances (like kids moving back home), or just not having much space to put him... so there are a few more families we need to speak with, but I think we might have a shot at finding some place for me to stay since everyone knows me. I'm going to ask a family I know who has "hosted" people in the past, and then if that doesn't fly, I may ask my "Grandma" from church. Keith is still working on getting a hold of either one of the bishops at the ward out here... but they are busy men, so hopefully they will call back soon, or i'll just have to get their numbers and call myself. My old roommate said if i get desperate, she might be able to convince her dad to let me stay there-- but she's not home much and her and her day have kind of had a rocky relationship lately... that this is a last resort... but i'm willing to do anything at this point so who knows.

We have the first week of March covered because my mom is out of town on the family curise i'm not invited to... so i'll be at the house watching her cat and keith will be at the condo.

1 comment:

  1. This is why I do not agree with most parts of organized religion. I don't see what the big deal is with living together early. You're just going to start playing house in a couple of months anyway. And isn't keith a grown man? His parents won't LET him share space with you? Come on. If it's truly a problem then your best solution is to move the wedding up!
