Friday, November 7, 2008


House Dp fund: 6626.90

plane ticket: fully funded---- Wahoo.

Extra OT: 87.96 (the start of the xmas fund incase the retro check doesn't come next check...)

I recieved my electronic copy of my review... which means my next paycheck SHOULD have all my back pay on it from May... It's been so long, I stopped counting up how much they owe me... but its over $700.00---- more then enough to cover christmas (even the purchase of my very own tree.)

Still have not recieved the call back from Farmers INS... Looks like i'll be staying with AAA after all. I guess it was still good to hunt around for prices to make sure i'm getting the most bang for my buck.

I also got my $12.00 rewards to Ralphs (their new point program is great.) While i spend very little in groceries per month, every time i bring my own bag, they add 5 points (the equilavent of $50.00 in grocery spending. ) So I did not spend 1200 in groceries in 2 months... but i get 12.00 FREE. and they send me coupons too. bueno. especially since this month was my "cut back on everything" to get rid of the plane ticket money i borrowed.


  1. If 1200 points = $12.00, 5 points would = $0.05 (not $50.00) - just moved the decimal in the wrong direction :)

  2. Happy for you:) You got the christmas gifts taken care off, and coupons for your groceries. I love coupons :)

  3. Awesome news on the prospect of getting your raise by Nov. 30th!! I am so proud of you for writing the letter (email). It is amazing what one can accomplish with a well written and thought provoking letter. Keep up the good work!
