Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election Results are in...

I spent Tuesday doing my civic duty and worked at a polling site all day long!!!!!

I'll be using the small stipend check to buy my sister's birthday present since its also in Dec. WOOT WOOT

I'm just hoping i'm a worry wart about the election results... Dem pres... dem congress.... But I don't really talk politics here so i'll leave it at that.


  1. It's scary isnt it? I think some good things can from it, but at the same time, this is the first time that we've gone so far left as a nation. I guess it's early to say, but the dems have such control now that it could be a turning point. Hopefully people will still try to come to the center if not during this term, some time in another near term. I am scared of democratic fiscal policies and what it will do to the nation. I am however a bit excited about progress that might be made in other areas though.

  2. @author: Is it scarier than going to the far right as a nation?
