Saturday, June 7, 2008

Annual income report thus far...

So far this year i've made $20,200.31. =) Not a bad chunk of change, considering that if i don't get a raise (which i am-- paper work pending) and I don't work any holidays or overtime (which I will because i have to with the nature of my job)
  • i'll make $40,623.38 for 2008!!!!!!!! Holy Cow Batman! Woot Woot!

Just maxing out my Roth IRA alone means i'm saving 12.3% of my income (before taxes) and that doens't include the CAL PERS... I think i'm doing lovely thus far. I started retirment saving at 21 and maxed out my 2007 Roth.... and i'll do it for 2008. not to many people can say they have done that! So change that and go do it too!!!!!


:::::::::: make retirement is a priority:::::::::::

its a long way off now, but if you get in the habit of it, you'll always have money in the bank.

I've mentioned before about playing with the idea of getting a second job, but to be honest, I don't think i'm going to. I could, I'm young and i'm done with school-- but to be honest-- i think I i'll be doing myself a better service keeping my availability open to work Overtime at my current job (OT is a little shy of 25 an hour), and actually looking presentable at work and not like I just rolled out of bed on 5 hours of sleep (I actually did my hair and make up today).

Plus the boyfriend is going to be working more hours and I enjoy the time i get to spend with him. So i would hate to sacrifice our relationship for extra money a month. It's worth more to me to stay at home with him, cook him a nice meal, and play for card games then to work a double shift.

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