Sunday, February 10, 2008

Money Madness Month

To be honest... dead honest... I've been spending all kinds of money on silly things I don't need...

In a word... I started Scrapbooking.... and I've been just pulling money from places so nothing hasn't been paid for... using overtime insteadof saving it... but while i'm not incuring debt... that's money I could be putting into my emergency fund or towards my house down payment.

I'm Declairing March:Money Madness Month.

I'm going to pair down and get financially fit... My mom gave me a $50.00 gift card that has to be spent on Fun... and trust me it will-- summer clothes??? but March I don't have any birthdays, parties, or events that are going to cost an arm and a leg. it's the perfect month (and the aliteration was niffty too) to re-join the thrifty and the smart shoppers of the world. I have a goal and dang it I want to reach it.

I was looking at homes online and even drove past one for sale yesterday... and to be honest, I've grown accustomed to a nice area... where things don't look run down... and while yes, the first place I buy will be a fixer upper..... but it also needs to be something that can meet my needs for a few years... possible a decade or so...

With the market the way it is right now, I'll truly need around $45,000.00 to settle into a place I want once you figure in closing costs and a 20% down payment. It is my only hope that the market keeps dropping down the way it is and the type of place I want for myself will become more in reach.

I say this because if i move home for a year and a half and can only save 1833 a month... this hits me around 35,000.... a whole 10,000 shorter then what I realistically need. I already have people willing to rent out the room or extra rooms but I need to find a place i can afford on my own without relying on that income.

So.... Here's what i'm thinking.
  1. Clean out all the crap in my trunk of my car so its lighter and more efficient on gas.
  2. Put car in Neutral at stop lights, excellerate slower and take it easy.
  3. Plan trips in a logical order to save gas that way.
  4. CARPOOL as much as I can where i'm not the one driving.
  5. Change my Car insurance over to my mom's account before I move out. (this will lower the monthly amount i'll have to stock away... and it will drop my renters insurance since I really don't own anything worth stealing.-- and if i'm robbed... all the stuff i got was free anyway off freecycle and from friends so.... ya.)
  6. For Extra cash list all the books, etc. that I don't want anymore on (it will also help with packing up for the move home too)
  7. Eat my pantry (which will ultimately help with the move home)
  8. Do cheap dates with the boyfriend ($1.50 theather... double date nights playing pool at his folks house... he's got a jaccuzzi... and a vast selection of movies)
  9. Roll coins and put them in the high yield savings account... not the jar on my desk. Every bit helps.
  10. pay with my Credit card to get the 2% cash back bonus... which leads to $25.00 cash reward sooner... and allows my money to grow some interest while it waits in ING to pay the Bill...
  11. Try and wait to pay my credit card off at the end of the month (not every few days.... that way the money stays in my account longer and I get to earn interest off it.) I'll start by aiming to pay it only once a week.

This money will go directly to the house downpayment fund once march starts. Till then, these tactics will help me get the last few dollars to help get my emergency fund done by the end of february.

I'm taking suggestions too!!!!

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