Monday, June 11, 2007

torn...conflicted... pensive... confused

Part of me is wondering if i'm jumping the gun by trying to save when i'm still trying to pay off my debt... I've never read Dave Ramsey or any financial planner book thing... but it seems like most "financial people" out there tell you to throw everything you have at your debt once you have a good emergency fund around 1,000 bucks.... so but part of me is wondering if i should have my "special day" account or start that second emergency fund, or a dental fund while i still have debt...

i could be adding 85 bucks a month "unbudgeted" and hold off on starting my dental fund 2-3 more months... i could take that $50 a month i was sending to my second efund and tack that on to my auto loan... and then there's whatever special day money i gathered... and i could devote all my overtime there too...

I guess lately, i've just gotten used to months with windfalls, lots of overtime, not paying rent, or using the liquidation of savings to continue to throw huge amounts at my car every month... and this is the first month i've had to revert back to the minimum i allowed myself to pay when i first purchased my car... $300.00 a month...

I guess part of me feels like i'm going backwards just a little... and i don't want to be going backward... $300.00 a month feels like i'm going backward... that's when i started counting up how much my bonds were worth. --which i won't send to my auto loan... i'll put it in my Roth probably... unless i can't get out of this funk. Maybe i'll half it.... I guess its good i don't want to blow the cash elsewhere... but still... i can't stand having the 2,100 over my head...

deep breaths... okay... i'm going to hold off on the 3 month emergency fund and empty what i have in there... same for my special day fund. I might even lower the bank of America efund to 300 [some how it poped up to 500 again from the 450 it was.] but for this i must wait till everything clears between my different banks.

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