Sunday, January 28, 2007

i'm ending january... yes i have the power to do so

Incase anyone was wondering...I didn't fall off the planet... but i did get the flu... and badly too.... i had 101 degree fever for a couple of days and for the most part i'm fine now... [and considerably lighter on the scale since i didn't eat much over the last few days...] Well rested and already behind in school work... i'll be playing catch up this week.

I spent saturday in mexico bring supplies to an orphanage up there with my friends for the collegegroup at my church... it was kind of an eye opener for me. I've never been to mexico, and its one thing to see the pictures of poverty... but to see kids huddled in cardboard boxes is another............. but i'll write on this later... probably on my other blog... i just don't have the energy for it right now.

i'm starting on febuary's budget. But here's what's left over from January.

  • Basic necessities had some left over cash in it. ($25.56 going to ING Direct)
  • Gas- I filled up $37 at the station by my college (way cheeper there)... so my gas balance is now 77.88 (half to vegas... half to my auto main and tags-- which will cost $151 by march.... eeek.)

February With the new budget

Grocery- 125.86 left

  • Food while in mexico for the whole day $5.98
  • food for Sunday night group $8.16

1 comment:

  1. You are doing great keeping track of everything! Glad you are feeling better too!
