Friday, October 20, 2006

Yin and Yang

I found out that on Saturday (the beginning of the next pay cycle at work) i will be officially a full time employee. Since i have been already working 40 hours a week i can now officially re-calculate what my monthly income now that this money is for sure mine. The joyous event is not the ability to work longer hours and get more money that way, but that full time employees at my job receive more money toward benefits!!!! But here's the kicker, I'm not married like most employees so the money I'm not using is just added back into my paycheck. Pretty much its like getting a larger pay raise!!!!woot

But of course with every blessing, like throws a curve ball... my mom is cutting me off. It's not like i don't pay for a lot myself... besides food, some necessities here and there at Costco, and rent, i am independent... (i know I'm not really) but now i gotta grocery shop and buy my own shampoo etc... It just seems like every little bit i get, goes by by before i get it.


~*~*~ 6 days till pay day ~*~*~ I think i'm getting a 900.oo paycheck.... and its already spent.....
Winter Tuition
Due nov 3rd; Have: 2,081.42
Need: 384.58 - Should be PAID
515 of paycheck left...

CSUF Tuition HIU won't cover
~$500 i have no idea when....
try to put away $150.oo
365 of paycheck left

Car Insurance
Due December; Have: 212.71
Need: 1,000.29
Hold off...
in case the CSUF money is due, I'll just break even with 15 bucks...

*400 Car Payment-
i paid this using cash that was in my account from that "extra paycheck" so it's not coming out of the new paycheck. But i can't keep doing things like this.... shoot!!!!

Guess that means no fun for me... I do have 700.00 in my "retirement" but i refuse to use that money to bail me out. I'm hoping i can peace everything together without bailing into that... but if i do.... it all goes back that first paycheck i get. plus interest.

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