Wednesday, October 18, 2006


So i found out that registration got moved up way faster than i intended. In order to make the payments for my tuition (now due nov 3), i had to move 1,000 from my car insurance account to the tuition account. While this does make sense, since i still have time to get the rest of the car insurance money together before its due in December, it sucks to think that one of my goals just got scrapped because i can't figure out when i register for classes!!!! I think I'm also going to have to come up with a couple extra hundred bucks for a Cal State class my major won't pay for (by Nov 15th!!!!!!!). If i take the class, I Will save myself the time and cost of taking the CSET. . . So now the figures stand as follows:

Tuition- Due nov 3rd
Have: 2,081.42
Need: 384.58

I originally budgeted 431 for this, so the 385.58 is good. the extra 46.42 plus whatever money is over 800 on my paycheck is going to go for the extra cal state class i have to pay for......)

Car Insurance- Due December
Have: 212.71
Need: 1,000.29
Ya, not sure when this is gonna get paid... I'm thinking not this next paycheck.... well maybe... My sister just told me what she wants for her birthday (in December... a 65 dollar purse... but i have to buy it in the next few days because its on huge sale....) I hate it when stuff ends up like this.
on another note:

I really wish my school would get with that refund check. I really think I'm not getting one after all and it might have been a comp glitch that they "fixed"

i still need to make the monthly payment on my car, $400.00 but the bill still hasn't come in yet... I want January to come... when my finances make more sense and all this junk I'm waiting on will be fixed (work 2 raises, and re-title-ment; School refund check cleared or finally removed; no tuition issues to save for... well minus credential....)

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