Wednesday, October 25, 2006

19 days of pantry eating, 16 days left

Well, its been a couple of days... and in all honestly, I'm not really suffering in this yet...

I didn't meet up with my friends on Sunday. We normally go out to dinner afterwards, regardless if everyone is going to get something or what not so i didn't have to "not go to dinner" with them afterwards. Which was kind of nice (didn't have to not spend money) , but sad i didn't get to see my friends...

As far as this 19 days is going, I still have stuff to make lunches with( for now), and dinners aren't so bad because there is pretty decent food in the freezer for the next week at least. It's the meals in between dinner that are hard... (you can't take frozen pasta to school in a lunch pail that i don't have... lol) But, as far as dinners go, I'm loving the freezer right now. My mom cooked the last of the steaks the other day, and last night we had pork chops...

On a personal note, my family doesn't sit down to dinners and hasn't for years... so last night when my mom cooked dinner, it was really weird. It was "lets pretend were a family".... it didn't fly too well..... and later i found out was her ploy in actually cooking wasn't to "be a family" but rather a little experiment of hers to see if cooking will make her loose weight better than taking food home from work....

the joys of living in my family..... or really what i call "just ppl living under the same roof."

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