Tuesday, May 3, 2011

No honeymoon cruise for us for free...

So we went to our "cruise meeting/ timeshare etc information sell-a-thon" and after about 2 hours of attempted sales, programs, offers, etc we learned a few things...

  1. Those people are ruthless and will throw on more and more free deals to try and get you to sign on the dotted line.
  2. I apparently have FANTASTIC credit... The guy was floored...
  3. and finally we learned that the original guy we booked our "visit" with, lied...

We can't redeem our free cruise for 90 days, which means It won't work for our honeymoon... They felt really bad and apparently have had issues with this representative in the past telling people it was 30 days to redeem so, instead of one free cruise for 2 people.... we are getting another cruise for 2 people for free as well... so we can either go twice or we can invite 2 people to come with us...

but that doesn't help us for our honeymoon... and I've still got a wedding to plan and coordinate. (BUT WE MAY HAVE A WEDDING LOCATION!!!!) I find out in a couple of days.

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