Saturday, April 9, 2011

Living on one income.... how we are making it work

I've learned that it's not so bad living on just one income... After the first month it seems to be getting a bit easier for us now. Especially since we stopped adding extra to the mortgage (it’s nice to have some breathier room in case something not budgeted comes up)... While I do wish we each had a little mad money each month, we are making do... Sure, we don't pick up junk food anymore (but that's healthier for us in the long run), and we don't toss out food anymore either (We make a point to eat what we've cooked, and cook what needs to be eaten so things aren't wasted)... but I’ve learned to do more practical and simple things.

· I've learned some storage tips like putting lettuce in cold water over night will remove the "limp" and make it nice and crisp.

· I've learned how to make your own disinfecting granite cleaner from rubbing alcohol, dish soap, and warm water.

· We use "rag towels" to clean the kitchen and the mirrors with so we aren't wasting paper towels.

· and we finally used the free gym membership together last Sunday because we wanted to get out of the house and off the couch.

Day in and out we seem to be doing just fine as long as we can plan for the random things and keep a good outlook on everything so it won't creep up and surprise us. Knowing this month that we have 2 birthdays to plan, mother’s day, an engagement party, and Easter meant prioritizing what we needed to do. We decided to for-go the bunnies and the baskets for Easter this year, and for our birthdays we are using the house sitting money & the overtime I got from working a half shift for one of my coworkers to pick up modest presents for one another. I liked a deal on facebook and in return I have an offermatic deal for $10 off a purchase of $20 at Target, so we are going to get my sisters engagement gift there... and for right now, mother’s day is "up in the air" because if we need to, we can push that off until May to figure out what to do about everything.

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