Friday, February 25, 2011

Utah Love + Budget Delights

There's 6 inches of freshly fallen powder outside and I'm in Utah for the last time with my fiance until we come home for Christmas. Never the less, its pay day Friday so here I am with happy updates of all kinds of greatness.

My tax return came in the electronic mail today, so my emergency fund is back to its full glory... $11,000.00 =) and I have all the money for the wedding, except my mom's 5k... but we should be getting that in a week or so.

It looks like our trip to Utah won't go over budget which is fantastic because I didn't actually set any money aside for our little excursion out here, but since all the wedding money is set aside already, we are good to go since i was able to use the unbudgeted money for the month for gas and what not out here.

and even more awesome, we figured out what to do about my fiance's health insurance once we get hitched! His parents have a high deductible plan (it caps at $2500 a year out of pocket) that includes my fiance. But what's great is that my fiance will still be able to stay on it while living in another state and married... so instead of spending 400 or so to add him on to my policy, we are going to keep him on his parents for one year and pay them $82 a month. It will cover all of his prescriptions, and we just have to pay for for doctors visits, but its cheaper to shell out the $120 visit ever 6 months than to go ahead and pay 400 a month and then some for him to go on my plan. I can add him on to my dental and we will get vision too since he has glasses.... but this will allow me to go ahead and still cash out most of my "extra" benefits so my paycheck will now rise slightly when we get married. It gives us a good year for my future hubby to get a good job that will have some health insurance hopefully, or at least the income we'd loose by putting him on my policy.

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