Friday, December 3, 2010

The Most fantastic Black Friday Ever

I was in Utah on Black Friday, so me and my future fiancé (he hadn’t asked me yet) devised a black Friday shopping plan, and we were 100% successful.

We started out at Midnight at Wal-Mart. I wanted a $3.00 crock pot so I can begin to cook for meals at home, and we wanted 2 Tupper ware sets for $9.00 each—one for me, one for my sister. This way I can make larger batches of food and freeze individual sizes so I’m not stuck eating the same things all week long. We also picked up 2 of the 10 piece picture frame sets—we are going to use them as part of the centerpieces at our wedding reception. Then we can put them all up around the house on the walls because they will match the ones I bought last year. We weren’t able to get the Xbox games we wanted… My sister will be paying be back for her Tupperware since she had to work on BF. She will be sending Keith a box (from her work…. Somehow she’s not getting charged shipping for it) so anything I can’t fit in my suitcase will be shipped home for free.

So we drove to JC Penny so I could get my free snow globe because I collect them every year. I also was able to get a $9 sweatshirt for my fiancé for Christmas since he only has one really good one. The jackets we went to look at were also to short for his long arms and torso…

So we went to target. The store had just opened, he dropped me off to go hunting for a parking space and I was able to get Final Fantasy and Halo for $35.00 a piece (the games we couldn’t get at Walmart). He’s been dying for Halo and refused to buy it for himself or split it with his friend because he couldn’t justify it since he wasn’t working, so that will be a Christmas present to him from me. My mom will be reimbursing me for Final Fantasy. As we were waiting in line to check out, 2 of Keith’s brothers really wanted the 2 terabyte hard drives in the ad for $70.00… someone came around the corner and picked up a 1 terabyte external hard drive and was comparing the two. So I walked over and asked if he wasn’t going to get the larger one if I could have it. He didn’t know the difference between the two and told me to convince him and by this time my now fiancé was back so he explained it to him and he handed us the 2 terabyte drive. 2 seconds later another guy apparently contemplating the same thing handed us his 2 terabyte drive. =) then the lady in front of us decided this line was too long for her and she was going to try the non electronic line… and decided not to get the $12 air mattress. … which was on the list for my sister so we picked it up too. As we finally got up to the front of the line… almost… I just started looking at stuff cause I was bored. The BF ad had a camcorder on sale for $50, but to get the deal u had to wait over in Pharmacy for a ticket… and the line wrapped around the store. I looked on the shelf that has a little lock on it… and saw 4 of the advertised cameras. To be sure, I borrowed the ad from the lady in front of me, and as luck would have it, the guy who helped me get the 2 Xbox games as an old coworker of Keith’s … with the electronics key to the rack. They didn’t move the regular inventory. So Keith called him over, he scanned the item to verify, unlocked it and gave me one, the lady in front of me got one for loaning me the ad, and the guy behind me also got one. There was one left, and Tayh (Keith’s friend) locked it up and walked away. Another person checked out. We looked at each other and decided we would get one for us so we could record the video that later turned out to be my proposal. We called Tayh over again and got the last one, checked out, and scored two $10 target giftcards. My mom later told me she’s pay me for the camcorder as a part of my Christmas presents. =)

Then feeling lucky, we went back to Walmart because it was 6am and the madness had ended. We price matched the Target ad at the register and got an Xbox game for $17.00 that my sister is getting Keith for Christmas. =) and a 4 gig SD card for the camera that my mom is also buying.

We came home, slept, went shooting with his brothers around noon, and then celebrated Thanksgiving on Friday so all of his family members could be there.

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