Saturday, July 31, 2010

Fantastic Home Depot Deal

I got a Free $25.00 gift card to Home Depot in the mail because I signed up for some email program thing on line. All I had to do was cash out in the contractor line.

So I used that $25.00 to buy useful things for my place.

Some AAA batteries because my tv remote died and taked AAA batteries.
A simple basic tool kit since I borrowed a lot of tools from my friends before.
An adjustable wrench
A small level

I paid $0.95

I know most of the tools in the kit will be on the cheaper end, but it will get me through the simple tasks and that's what I was looking for =)

1 comment:

  1. Where did you find this? Do you know if it's still being offered? I'm a new homeowner, and I spend ample amounts of time/$$ there lately!!
