Monday, July 12, 2010

car repairs


I took my car in for its simple maint. check... should have been about $50-70


And that was with my Door Actuator under warranty ($313.63 was what it would have cost me to make my doors lock and unlock when I pressed the button on the car door.) Thankfully when I bought my car, I saved the little tiny card in my wallet (its good till 2012 or 100,000 miles and since I don't drive much it will last me until 2012).

Here's the break down:

Front Breaks $249.99
Clean and adjust rear breaks $55
Transmission fluid exchange $159.98
Brake Fluid Exchange $129.98
Door Actuator-tec (free with warranty)
plus regular 5,000 mile maint. $79.99

AAA discount -67.50 (my card just paid for itself)

Total: $625.15

Go figure, as soon as the car fund gets to $600.00 I get huge service repair... Instead of emptying that cause I just don't want to, i'll be using the $500 or so I have in my "extra" money account that I was going to use for shopping and other things...

Sniff Sniff

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