Friday, July 2, 2010

2010 Goals Update- June

Financial $$$ & Personal Goals End of June Re-cap

Pay off non-mortgage Debt -Done
Car Fund (Save $250.00)-Done Total $600.00

Lower Mortgage to under $115,000.00
• @ $116,166.40 (1,166.40 to go)
Principle Payments:
January $137.07 +$60.00 | February $137.96 + $60.00 |March $138.82 +$60.00 |April $139.72 +$60.00 | May $140.61 +$60.00 |June $141.74 +$116.45

Get emergency fund to $8,400.00 (left to add $531.42)
Emergency fund now sits at $7,868.58
January $100 |February $100| March $100 |April $300.00 |May $100 | June $168.58

Contribute $5,000.00 to Roth IRA ($3,500.00 left to add)
January $250.00 | February $250.00 |March $250.00 | April $250.00| May $250.00 | June $250

Increase Networth to $60,000.00
• @$54,181 (change of +902 1.69%)

Trying out a new program… and I know I’m gaining muscle (which weighs more than fat) because I’m less jiggly… but its not making the scale go down… its making it go up or flat line and hover at an amount I’m not even going to disclose here.

My sprained ankle from my trip isn’t helping either. I can’t really run for cardio… so it looks like I’ll be starting to try and walk around more and see if that helps… it just doesn’t burn many calories and takes a long time… time I don’t have.

Give More
• Kiva- January (Mongolia) | February (Sierra Leon) | March (Mali) | April (Tanzania) | May (Burundi) | June (Paraguay)
• Childshare – I volunteered at a fundraiser for the organization, as well as recruiting 3 friends to help me that night.
• LTG- =) I’m continuing to work and do some admin work for my little church.

Track my spending
(see other post below )

Read One book a Month
I’m still reading book 3 (ALMOST DONE WITH IT): Captivating by John and Staci Eldredge
SO FAR I GIVE IT: 10 Stars/5 Stars

Ameila Atwater-Rhodes “Wolfcry”
Book 12
Ameila Atwater-Rhodes “Wyvernhail”

Her Bookshelf


  1. Muscle actually doesn't weigh more than fact. It's a very common myth, but as someone who lost 35 pounds and even now tries to maintain a healthy lifestyle I was disabused of that notion not nearly soon enough. Google it and numerous sources will come up:

  2. I second this. A pound of something is a pound of something, no matter what it is. However, a pound of muscle does take up less room than a pound of fat does, which is nice!
