Friday, March 26, 2010

WOW I SPENT WAYYYY TOO MUCH $$$$$ this month

Thank Goodness I found that extra $$$$ last month. Its all gone. lol I went on a shopping binge this month... stuff for my kitchen, stuff for me... Then i got additional money from work and decided to spend it too instead of save it ($50.00 in gas rebates from work). I haven't deposited the check yet, but it's earmarked to be spent next month on Mark Kay products because I'm out.

Some how everything worked out budget wise... and i didn't go into the red because of the $$$$$ i found from last month, so i was still able to put money in the EF, my savings funds, pay more for the mortgage, stick my retirement money away... and save a few dollars more then I budgetted for..... but i had to play some tricky balance line games.

I spent too much on groceries, so i evened it out with some extra $$$ leftover from my utilities...

I donated more to my charity (from the extra $$$$ from last month)... and then spent the rest on clothes.... (I dropped weight from the marathon, and i needed some new digs for my vacation... but instead of really buying things i needed--i bought some needs--- i went crazy with the wants too....)

Next month I really REALLY need to be more careful lol... but then again, i kind of don't regret this month... I'm a bit of a mess right now with my personal life... and while i've never been a retail therapy girl... it was nice to feel like a rebel and break some rules...

I'm suck an uber control freak that it was nice to just look at the budget once a week and just see what happened...

Which is sooooo not like me... I've been breaking a lot of stereotypes and personal barriers in 2010... i guess this is the year i do all the crazy stuff i never did before... (like a marathon... finally getting in shape... breaking up with BF... going on a road trip solo to meet my friend in Utah... living alone and dealing with those issues... taking on more projects at work... insisting on 2 weeks of vacation... and next week i'm telling my sister off--- but that's a whole other post.

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