Tuesday, February 16, 2010

"Declawed kitty"

Wow, thats feedback, lol.

I should offer a bit of correction:

I only adopt pets from the animal shelter "as-is"... i mentioned the adopting a declawed kitty because the shelter in the city I work for is OVER FLOWING with cats, kittens, ect... and as sad as it is to say, I work in Orange County where people don't necessarily care about the pain the pet goes through to make it "perfect..." Most likely I'd have a selection of declawed Cats to choose from if I go with an older friend and not a brand new kitten... which I might do...

But thanks for all the research and extra knowledge!

I'm still months away from deciding on a pet... but i'm leaning more toward getting 2 who are friends/from the same litter so they have someone when i'm gone.

but thats saying That I decide to even get a pet, lol... but i wouldn't declaw a cat on my own.


  1. :-) I love hearing when people adopt from shelters.

    This clarification makes me happy as well. Around here at least the declawing trend seems to be dying down - but there are always a few that are available.

  2. I consider, that you are not right. I am assured. I can defend the position. Write to me in PM.

  3. )))))))))) I to you cannot believe :)
