Friday, December 5, 2008

the horizon goals...2009

House dp fund:

I have 108.45 in overtime and holiday pay, but i'm going to leave that in my rent checking account to beef up my emergency fund some more... If i buy a condo, i'll need around $7,300 for a decent 3 month emergency fund. (I have 6,000 now.)

I used most of the retro pay to cover my new renters insurance policy... when I get the car rebate (around $400.00) that too will go towards my emergency fund.

Ideally, I'd like to get my emergency fund to 7,300 and have an auto emergency fund of $500.00 before I buy a condo. ($3,000 of my house down payment fund will go to closing costs in the long run, so it will definently be a year of massive savings... and cutting out the spending to make all this happen.

Plus, there is still that Roth IRA to max out in 2009.... and a year of service credit to purchase (I have around $1,000 saved for that...)

Time to crunch numbers and take hold of the crazy financial market. Interest rates are 5.25% for a mortgage with less then 20% down payment... So it looks like I may not wait to have a full 20% to buy...

Ironically, with the overtime on my paycheck this month, I could have grabbed my rent check out of my first paycheck, and saved all of my second one!!! (but that's a little too crazy for me to muster right now.)

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