Sunday, November 16, 2008

WOW I've Been BUSY!

First and foremost, I've applied for a new job--- with another city... and I'm really excited for this opportunity.

It's for a position that's a level above mine and would be absolutely everything I've ever wanted to do for a career. So I'm crossing my fingers and hoping for an interview. With all city jobs, the interview process is long and lengthy so it will be weeks before anything is more clear on whether I get an interview... but there are usually multiple panel interviews. The salary is an increase in what I'm currently making; the monthly benefits and flex cash system are equally as great (if not better) then my current job; and the pension is 2.5 @ 55. (I currently have 2.7@ 55--- But would take this job in a heartbeat).

I also worked a gala last night for my favorite charity Child SHARE. I coordinated all the volunteers which I recruited, and ran the floor for the night keeping people in the loop with the constant changes. (one of the ladies who runs Child SHARE made sure to inform me that most of their events run smoothly, but since they were invited to this event, along with seven other charities, the hosting group "dropped the ball.") Besides some hard to work with individuals, the night was a success and I was able to "show my abilities" in a favorable way.

I was unofficially offered a job!!!!!!!!! It's still a working out the figures on paper and a few conversations down the line kind of offer.... but WAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I need to forward my resume and a new cover letter... talk figures... But I would be the events coordinator for Orange County if all goes through---- which is also everything I've ever wanted to do for a career--- plus add the fact that it's a cause in which I personally love love love love! Where going to talk and run numbers in January. As a 501-c3 charity, I'm not expecting to be blown away with their offer, but I might just take the job!

I guess it all depends on what happens with the other city job I applied for since that should come to a decision before the New Year (I talked with their HR dept because I had a few questions about the position.)

Either way, My future is looking bright and promising!!!!

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