Monday, November 10, 2008

updated Shopping list without spending money

talked to my 1/2 sister and I'm not allowed to get her or her hubby anything this year, or the girls. (but sense the twin's birthdays are in dec I told her I still want get them stuff... plus i've been an absentee auntie for their whole lives so it would be a nice gesture thing.) But if she really insists, i'll either donate the items I bought to a charity or return them and then use that money to buy other gifts for needy children. I believe in respecting the wishes of parents.

But I told her i'm making her x-mas present (i'm making her a blanket)and that she can't refuse whatever it is. I'll see what she says there... so right now my shopping looks like this:

  1. My sister's birthday present (she told me what she wants and its going to cost around 40-50 bucks)
  2. 1/2 sister = blanket (materials around 15 bucks)
  3. the boyfriend ???????? waiting on list
  4. boyfriends daddy (I have an Idea)
  5. boyfriends mommy (I have an Idea)
  6. boyfriends sister +boyfriends sister's fiance (i'm in their wedding) = Nice giftcard with BF
  7. roommate (got her one stocking stuffer) = a flag frame. She was given one from her fiance (before I met her) who passed away serving the country and she has never gotten around to framing it and she mentioned it the other day (and how she doesn't have the money to get one right now with holiday shopping) I asked if she would mind if I bought her one for xmas maybe and she was okay with the idea.
  8. Master Chef Friend??????????

1 comment:

  1. I saw somewhere that has gift certificates. I thought of you. This is LaramiK from the WIRR/WIRS.
