Sunday, August 31, 2008

I got bored and did a lot of math at work...

i realized today that i haven't forgotten my basic math skills.... from stats of all things (i hated stats for some reason in college but i passed with an A...)

Anyways... I've had my Roth IRA on my mind all morning so i calculated the Mean, median, and Mode, for the shares I've bought all with just a simple calculator and a spread sheet to keep track of the numbers... (the only formula i used on it was the Auto Sum cause i didn't want to make a mistake) I did everything else with a simple add, subtract, divide, and multiply calculator... no scientific ones in the office drawer at the gym...... I did everything in units of $25.00 since that was the smallest purchase price for any one time (it made the math way easier and less time consuming).

This is for my Moderate fund. I also have another fund that i accidentally purchased holding $300.00 in it. the 300 is not included and accounted for in this, since there is only one buying price... but here's the data:

  • Highest Purchase Price: $13.27
  • Lowest Purchase Price: $10.05
  • $10.78 Median purchase price (or the middle number when you line up all the units, including duplicates!!)
  • $10.78 Mode purchase (most reoccurring number) This number came up 52 units. I bought $1,200.00 of shares one day on a regular automatic buying day of $100. $1300/$25= 52 units
  • $11.45 Mean purchase price (add up the value of all the units and divide by total number of units. Total units for this case was 244.296 not everything purchased was divisible by 25 evenly. but i kept every decimal in there for funzies.)

I've had $20.00 taken out in maint. fees since inception...

As of closing on Friday, the shares were worth $10.29

I guess if I'm going to see any profit, I'll need the market to creep back up to $11.45. As I keep buying more shares I'll adjust this and keep you guys updated.


  1. A college graduate who spells "bored" Board?? Seriously...

  2. Just a note on the misuse of the word board. You meant to use b-o-r-e-d. B-o-a-r-d is a plank. I enjoy reading your blog. Keep up the good work.

