Thursday, July 24, 2008

The ZOO!!! and double WOOT WOOT for the new fund i created.

So i went to the San Diego Zoo for the first time in my life! It was awesome. and the baby panda's are priceless.... I wanted to take one home with me soooooo bad.... so i had to settle for some keepsakes from the panda store... since you can't actually take a panda home.... sad

The BF paid for gas and my ticket--We each paid for our own lunches, but I paid for dinner for us at Claim Jumper... and of course i paid for my own keepsakes.

(I used the overtime money i had from my last paycheck to cover the trip.) I have a little over $100.00 left from the overtime to cover my half of the pizza costs for my party on Saturday. The "leftovers" are going towards the "I will spend this by Dec"--- the newly created fund for auto maint... birthdays... and holidays.... plus special outtings like the zoo.

Any holiday pay, overtime, and raises are getting slucked in here. (i get a 6% raise for my annual review to be retro active from May 20th.... which should be coming soon... and another 4% in January) so that kinda makes it 10% for the random stuff that will come up throughout the year... which is better then i was doing.

Come January, whatever is left in here will go to next years roth to help jump start it... But Xmas comes before Jan so i doubt it...

I know i have to call toyota and get an auto maint quote for my next service check. Speaking of cars... i finally purchased one of those PSI readers for one's tires.... I'll hopefully be correctly inflating my tires from here on out whenever i stop and get gas.

1 comment:

  1. I really like your blog! You do a great job. I love how you are young and saving so much money. Hope you have a great day!
