Saturday, April 19, 2008

Emergency Fund

Since i'm moving home with my mom in a couple of months, My REAL Emergency Fund does not need to be as liquid as it is currently... and i can get a slightly better rate by putting it all in a CD.... But since the money is over at I-GO BANKING i'll have to do it in small spurts.

Since i have money in my ROTH retirement, I took $1,000.00 from it and opened at CD at ING... and then transfered $1,000 from I-GO to ING DIRECT to replace the funds.

The new CD is at 3.30% for a year.

I'm also going to move the rest of the money into a CD since its a better rate, but i'll have to wait for the money to be in ING.

After the year is up, I may open a CD ladder.

and that extra money didn't go to my grad pictures... I had to buy ink and some stuff for the WALK... so most of it went there... but I do have $25.93 of it left.... but who knows... there is still half a month left.
I also spent 57.06 to fill up on gas.... YIKES!!! $3.83 a gallon.... [i went early today before they changed the rate... the cheap place that only takes debit was at 3.79--- so that mobil i filled up at will be 3.89 by mid morning.... yeah for an early job]

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