Sunday, March 9, 2008

Well it finally happened

This Friday will be the first paycheck all year that won't have an extra on it. No overtime, no holidays to interfer... just 80 hours at my hourly rate and my benefits.
The following March paycheck too....
But on the brighter side, I'll be working a lot of overtime the last week on March, and that will be reflected on my first paycheck in April.

I'm really trying to stick to the budget. Normally I steal money from other areas in order to "get by" and have more "fun." I'll spend the money I get from my roommates for the e-bill... if i don't need cleaning supplies and junk, i'll take that money and go to a movie, or out to dinner....

but i'm refusing to do that this month. If i'm successful, i'll be smiling on April 1st...

I still haven't gotten the late fee yet from my roommate (who I haven't seen in at least 2 days...) looks like i'm going to text her.

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