Sunday, December 23, 2007

I got me a boyfriend! (hehehehe)

I'm not single anymore! (hehehehe).

Last night I cooked the now boyfriend a nice meal of porkchops, green beans, baked potato, salad, bread.... yummy! I might not fail as a cook one of these days.... and most of it was organic (only the pork and the break were not... everything else was... including the butter and olive oil i cooked it in with) and he didn't notice that it was organic until i mentioned it... lol... but he was thrilled to have such a nice dinenr. He took me to a really nice fancy x-mas concert at this huge theater and we had amazing seats in a balcony (which he got free from his work, way cool!) and I'm still enjoying my roses and my koala bear. =)

I'm just a happy little holiday gurl.

anywho, something financially related to make this post more legit... While we were waiting to be seated, we got to talking about stuff. He works freelance for a lighting company so come Febuary he owes the government a pretty penny in taxes (of which he is now starting to save for...) [lol]

But we were talking about trying to go to BLAST or PHANTOM before they leave the performing arts center, and we got to talking about credit cards... and i shocked him. I know he's planning on paying off all his CC's in Febuary when he's finished with the taxes and stuff to the government, but then he's planning on charging a lot more to them (he collects coins and likes to buy things)..... and he told me he could always charge the tickets.... Here's were I shocked him.

I told him i'd rather him not buy them or me anything if he has to charge it. I then politely told him that I didn't believe in credit cards, especially after my father and his debt ruined my mom when they divorced... and i reminded him that he has to pay it back too with interest... he knew he had to pay it back and all that, but the fact that i wasn't just a girl who wanted to be lavished with presents at all costs made him appreciate me more. [i think he picked a winner, lol]

I even told him it would impress me more if he kept his cards at $0.00 every month....

To which he told me he'd pay cash for the tickets if we go...

1 comment:

  1. sounds like you found a great guy. Congrats!!! I really like how you were honest with him about your thoughts on credit cards. I think its one of the best things you can teach a person (how not to abuse them). I've been trying to explain to my b/f that he shouldn't keep a CC balance if he doesn't have to because then he's saving interest. He thought his credit score would be better if he had a balance. LOL Men...
