Saturday, October 6, 2007

The Relationship continued...

Thanks for some of the support and comments about my last post. [i responded back to some of you already]...

Despite everything... I really needed someone to talk to last night and he came through for me... I saw my mom and sister last night for the first time since the talk and it didn't go well.... throw that in with my boss making me cry in his office... and i really did need a shoulder to vent to... and he came through for me... and it was so nice.... He just let me vent out the last few days... kind of like things were normal between us... but i know they aren't.

I'm pretty sure i'm going to see him tonight with a bunch of people to celebrate a friends birthday... That will be nice... and fun! [dave and busters yo!]

Only time will tell if this will pan out or not... and i'm praying that it will... yup, chalk it up to the crazy things one will do ... Like waiting for a man to realize how much i'm willing to do here to make this work... [ps-- i'm stubborn as hell in a cute way!]

thanks everyone.
Just Getting through one day at a time.--- me


  1. I'm glad to hear that he was there for you. Man, these things are just so gosh darn painful. I'm sorry.

    Keep the faith that there is a plan for you and that the wonderful life that you deserve is waiting. Keep praying, listen, and it will be revealed to you.
