Sunday, September 2, 2007

when $14 is worth it... a job story

I'm at work right now and i was chatting with a couple who came in and each paid $7.00 to use the gym and the pool today.

Now normally, i think its kind of a high price for the gym personally... meaning i wouldn't pay it to come in, even though were a nice gym cause i'm more "frugal" and i can always walk outside around the Lake by my mom's house or something like that.... plus i get a free gym membership with employment so i work out on my lunch breaks... but anyways...

Well after chating with this couple, i found out her hubby is an accountant and since its over 103 degrees outside, actually considered going into work because the building would be cooler since they didn't want to use the AC...

well instead they decided that $14 bucks was a good way to curb the want of ac... and they get to go swimming and come and go as they please thought the day... plus use the gym... heck we even have TV's here....

now that's doing something with your money to truly enjoy its value!!!!!!

  • local library's are free zones with AC
  • and malls, if you can actually "window shop" and not buy are always places to beat the heat and save a few bucks.

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