Friday, June 8, 2007

i'm loosing cash left and right!

Well not really loosing cash... but i've had a few hick-ups this month [making me thankful for the overtime I agreed to work today and last week].

On Saturday i'm going to go do a human scavenger hunt for the high school group i volunteer with at my church... so i bought a red wig to change my hair a little bit... it was only 17 bucks with a hair wig cap thingy and it was going to come out of my fun money for the month, but when i got home i found it didn't fit right and I couldn't get my hair all in it [my hair is long and thick]... all i could get was store credit since they normally don't allow any returns what so ever. So i'm stuck with a gift card and still have to take the 17 bucks out of my fun money... sad.

My friend also took my guitar to the shop for my birthday to add a nobb for my guitar strap [so its not just tied on to the neck] well while he was getting that done, the guy mentioned that there was internal problems with it because the bridge was practically pulling up on my guitar... needless to say, we were supposed to go together to get a quote to get it fixed... Well my friend misunderstood and dropped it off at the shop already so i have to come up with the cash... 125 bucks!!!!!!!!! good thing i had overtime on my check today... but that just means less to my car and less to my braces fund.

but this is why I have a budget... and an Emergency fund... and am crazy grateful for both!!! word to the wise folks out there... while you might want that shirt, CD, or book now... hold off and wait a while, save some cash for a rainy day... you'll thank yourself later... ***wink***

but in happier news, [cause its good to end on a happier note] i got my rewards check from my credit card for $25.00 and i got a work check/ reinburstment check for driving my car around for work stuff... $24.00... so that's gonna help with the guitar!

Oh yeah, in the land of the ROTH IRA's... i got my co-worker to open one too!!!! Saving is addicting!!

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