Friday, May 25, 2007

paying my dues...

Well its friday, payday. Time to pay up to all the people i owe... this month sure was pricey.

  • I paid my mom the money i owed her for my victoria secret shopping. Woot for overtime and the like...
  • I paid for my ring. [i'm not sure if i mentioned the ring or not on here, but i finally got my mom to break and buy me a purity ring for my 21st birthday. It was a $400.00 ring for 112 with tax... i love how my birthday is next to mothers day... i can cash in on their sales!]And i love it... i really love that ring. [in case you have no idea what a purity ring is... i basically won't be sleeping with anyone until i'm a married woman. No, the old ways have not died in the 21st century. I'll be a virgin and where white proudly] I paid half for it using some birthday money and my mom paid the other half, but we put it on my new mervans charge card cause it saved us an extra 15%.
  • I paid the 213 for a new driverside mirror for my car... and my friend installed it for me for free... and it only took 15 minuets. Yes, a dumb mistake... but thankfully i have learned from it... and learned how to balance the OOPSY's of life. woot for auto main accounts.
  • I also got the car washed and waxed [since it hasn't been waxed in about a year...] but i used part of my CC rebate for it, so it was only "20" not 43 with tip. I also used the extra money in my gas account for this, so its dwindeling down. But without having to drive down to fullerton, my gas and maint account for my car should go up by the time i need to pay for the 25,000 mile check.... but part of my tires are starting to get bad cause i turn too hard and too fast... but the boys keep looking at them regularly... but those should be coming up soon and they know a guy who can give me a deal... woot.
  • I paid for my wisdom teeth removal. $650.00... all i can say is yeah for saving in advance.
  • I paid for the b/f's birthday present out of the normal budget.

got the rent check so i'll write it later today and drop it by the office on saturday.

I think i'm getting a better grasp on budgeting and handling my money... which is making me happy. even with my shopping and sending money to pay down my car loan, i have $200.00 extra this month, but i'm hanging on to it. just to make sure everything is balancing right. I also need to do a costco run with danielle real fast on Saturday so i might use part of the money for that since were still stocking up.

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