Monday, December 11, 2006

budget update... again X 10 [DEC]

Bills----->Done, with $3.00 Extra (i'll send this to my car loan for kicks on WED)

Food----->$150 Allotted; $116.08 spent; $33.92 Left

Fun and Lux----->$70 Allotted; $13.17 Spent; *$56.83 left

Short Term Savings----> $25.oo auto transfer ; $65.00 manual transfer

Long term savings (moving out)-----> $30.00 sent to Emigrant

Gas-----> Allotted $200.00; Spent 46; Left $154

Basic Necessities-----> Allotted $50, Spent $40.34 ; Left $9.66

Offering-----> $50.00 (25 per check taken out in cash) [Its in my wallet... i forgot to give it to Dusty... oh well... next week]

Auto Loan -----> GOAL: $1020.00 before overtime
Additional $400.00 my mom gave me from Insurance...
360.18 overtime
420 (part of the 1020)

[$80 unbudgetted fudge money] left= $54.03 X-mas party i forgot about Friday night.... Gift 14.99; snacks brought with: 10.98 Total= 25.97