Wednesday, November 1, 2006


So, i broke my mom and she finally put me on the Costco Pass!!!

As for the refraining from's weird how often i think about spending money... i think the 19 days of not spending any money (but gas) is kind of a reminder about the clarity of the consumer society in which we live. We really are driven by the random dollars we throw down at the check-out stand... in a way, this 19 days is kind of freeing... Kind of like a spending fast... It's amazing how hard it is at times, but also how freeing it is as well.

Sunday I went out with my friends to dinner, and i just didn't get anything, hung out and had a good time. I wasn't the only one in our group of 10 who didn't get anything either. Others were watching their money, and i wasn't really that hungry because i ate dinner earlier.

On a happy note, my mom bought apples and oatmeal at the store and told me that for the most part that "i can eat them" which means i might not have to break and run to the store to buy anything... I might make the 19 days after all! Plus There's the leftover Chinese food my mom won't eat and half the time she brings taco's home from work and doesn't eat them. (my mom's a waitress)

So, i guess in all reality that it's not such a huge blow financially, I'm on my own kind of mentality, but more gradual. I think that after my first few months of grocery and necessity planning that i should be able to take over even the little things she's getting for me still.

I'm kind of looking forward to it... One more step, or lesson to eventually being on my own!!!

9 more days of Pantry eating left... although it doesn't feel like pantry eating in all reality... but good practice for later on...

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