Monday, November 20, 2006

Interesting Argument with my Parental+ Car Insurance HELP!!!!

Sorry about the long post... but i need some advice so skip down to the italics if you don't want to read it all...

With the current school symester coming to a close soon, i've been spending more and more time at My private college with yearbook deadlines, student projects, etc and as a result have been spending less and less time at home.

Apparently, my mom has been having car problems for the last few days and i have been unaware, and therefore an ignorant daughter for not caring nor knowing about them... but more on this later.

Because i've been absent from the home life, my mom was getting kind of sympathedic towards me... i think the realization that i don't need her as much as i used to (since she can't throw them in my face anymore) is starting to set in and she's worried that one day i'll up and leave and she won't hear from me ever again... (while this is tempting... i know she's my mother and that in some form or another she will be in my life). Well the other day she offered to buy me some stuff at the store and partly out of stubborness and partly out of pride (mainly so in the event that we get in a disagreement that she can't throw that in my face that she did that for me) i declined and reminded her that she doesn't buy my groceries... -----> this was two days ago.

tonight, apparently my mom walked a couple of blocks from the gas station because she dropped off her car because it was acting up again. She was surprized to see me at home when she got there. (she didn't call my cell... nothing... i had no way of knowing that she was walking home. I would have gone to get her) When i told her i was on Turkey day break, she seemed glad. (probably because she thought that i would be home more this week. ) But last night i told "A&D" that i would house sit for them (as a favor... i'm not getting anything out of it) and i told my mom for four days that would be my little abode. (i agreed because a quite non fighting enviornment will be a nice change because i can do a lot oh homework and get ahead this break.) She didn't seem too pleased but let it go....

then the car ppl called back... its gonna cost 500 bucks and my mom wasn't too happy. Especially when she asked me to get her purse from the bedroom because she was on the phone... and while i was walking to get it i reminded her that she got cordless phones all throughout the house because she was tired of being stuck to a line... but then uses the corded phone.... but i brought her her purse....

Later she asked me my plans for the evening, i asked why... and she said she wanted to go to the grocery store, implying the use of my car since hers was out.

I told her that "you might not want to use my car... its kind of messy and i have stuff piled on the seats and in the trunk..." (for the record everytime my mom gets in my car when it looks like that i get a huge lecture and i really wasnt' in the mood...) I never told her no... i was just warning her so she wouldn't be shocked when she wondered how to fit groceries in it...

She took this to mean that she couldn't use my car, got really pissed, and told me that i'm selfish and horrible and that she would never buy me anything again... i kindly pointed out that she doesn't buy me anything now... (i have a tendency of finding faults in her arguments because i'm very logical and she an emotional fighter.... and i think the years of alcohol use have "dumbed" her up...) lots of times she says things that don't make sense and i remind her of them very calmly and very rationally.

As i was in my room i heard her on the phone telling "aunt nancy" what a horrible daughter i am and that my sister...the daughter who called her foul names and occasionally hits her is the best daughter in the world because when push comes to shove... she cares... i on the other hand am not...
But i ask you this... for a woman i don't respect at all... i think i'm fairly tolerated especially considering all the little things i do to be nice. (i load and clean and empty the dishwasher...) i bring in the mail if i get home and its there... i take out the kitchen trash, clean up after myself... (my sister does none of this and ruins my mother's home with her still untrained after a year and ahalf dog that pees in the kitchen and she neglicts the use of sanitizer so he learns from the mistake...

anyway... on this phone call she tells my "aunt" everything and she sugjests that my mom drop me from the car insurance... and my mom was like... "i'm thinking about it... she needs to learn a lesson..."

-----> so i grab my cell and call AAA and get a quote for an individual plan with the same coverage... its about 500 more a year if i go it alone...
While i don't think my mom will kick me off... she makes threats and never follows thru (she's already trying to buy my groceries and take back what little independence i'm dealing with right now)

But what i need advice on is my car insurance details in the event i go alone... Do i really need all of this since i'm not a home owner etc.

my current policy contains:
  • 100,000 liabily body injury per person
  • 300,000 accident
  • 50,000 property damage
  • 5,000 medical
  • 250 comprehension and collision deductable
  • I have an insured deductable waiver
  • 30,000 unisured motorist per person, 60,000 per accident

with a good drive discount, and a good student discount Annually i pay with my mom $1,213... Alone 1,718 per year.

So the question is... do i need all that coverage if i drive a 2004 toyota camery LE that i owe $12,000 on?

- i'm a college student and i own no property (like a house)


  1. You need all that coverage specifically because you have no other assets. What you can do is call around, GIECO, state farm, progressive and see if you can get a cheaper rate, for some reason AAA can be really expensive or really cheap. Also I do not know if you are upside down in your car or not (owe more than it is worth) but if you are, you will definitely need all the insurance coverage. Another thing you do not want the loan holder putting the insurance on the car for you since that might be triple what you are paying now. On a personal note, even if you are right you do not always have to win the fights with your mom. Just say ok and keep going, you and your mom will have a much more peaceful existance

  2. Try increasing the deductible amount to like $500 or even a bit more and see if that reduces your premiums a little.

    Since you are driving a pretty new Toyota...I would recommend keeping the comprehensive coverage.
