Sunday, November 12, 2006

Budget Revisal for january again...

I hate the interest rates on my car... they make me angry so i'm redoing my budget to make them go away faster.

I also figured out how to postpone my ING and Emigrant Decision... temporarily I will stop contributing to my retirement, and instead work to combat the horrible car loan. Once the loan is paid... which according to my mathematics should be in Novemeber 07 when i make a payment for under 100 bucks... i will put all the money that was supposed to go to retirement back with interest (ruffly 2500 bucks).

The new budget!!! January 07

Assuming I will make 2,000 a month, after Taxes:

$1,300 a month Auto Loan + Overtime + Recycle $$
This should mean my car will be paid off in November 07 when i make the last payment of less than 100 if my math is accurate. (i'll be eliminating the emergency fund builder(100 a month) and retirement payments (200 a month) to increase this here. Once the car is paid off, i will put the money that was supposed to be in my retirement back with interest!

$100 Car Insurance
I'm going to plan for this this time, and put $100 aside every month, that way when the end of the year comes along, I won't have to put out $500 a month to catch up. I'll save ruffly $1200... which should be the price for next year.

$200 Gas
Personally, i know i have over budgeted this again... but i know gas prices will go up... and frankly since i have no idea what my stickers will cost me for my car, i think its only wise to put the extra money in my now "car insurance and tags" saving area. =) and if gas goes back up, i'll still be okay.

$50 Cell
Since my cell is my only reliable number, I'm okay with this bill for now. It's really $46 something a month and i get roll over, text messaging and phone insurance (my city job gets me a nice discount with Cingular... 10-15% off... can't remember the exact figure tho...) In a year i'm going to see if i can work out a cheaper deal because i don't use a lot of my minuets...

$10 Internet
I finally got a bill and its 10 bucks a month, not 20.

$150 Groceries/Necessities
I read somewhere on MSN money that you shouldn't spend more than 150 on Eating out, Groceries, etc for one person... So, I'm going to try this but also add in Necessities like Shampoo and toothpaste, etc into this category. so far so good... kind of

$70 Everyone needs a bit of Fun
This will be for movies, clothes, etc. No budget works without a bit of fun.

$90 Short Term Savings
This is money set aside for gifts, christmas, vacations, unexpected expenditures and the like... I'm suppose to spend all of this by the end of the year.

$30 Long Term Savings (A.K.A Moving OUT)
So, in an attempt to move toward the 60-40 solution and my ultimate goal, I have this category set up... it's supposed to be more... but meh, there isn't anything left.

0 Rent (yeah for mom's house for now)
0 Medical Insurance (paid by work)
0 Dental Insurance (paid by work)

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