Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Not really much to post...
I gave out my Christmas list to my family the other day. (we give out lists early so we can find sales, etc and not buy the last min)... and i also told them I'm upholding that college budget mentality when it comes to shopping (my sis wasn't to pleased)...

The school is still behind with that refund check... i honestly don't think it exists anymore... =( but who knows).

With the Monday holiday, my car bill hasn't come yet, and i really want it so i know how much I'm really in debt.... (i know I'm sick and crazy). but with every payment i can decrease the amount i owe... and maybe be happier that my dept is getting smaller...

Benefits still aren't "adjusted" yet... and sadly it doesn't look like I'll be able to work next year if i do my credential... =( but nothing is set in stone... I've been thinking of possibly just getting another BA and working for the city...

so much is up in the air...

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~2 days till pay day...~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
187.54 car insurance
431 tuition + anything over 800 on my paycheck
400 car payment
total debt: 1,708.06;
After October: 1,089.52...

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