Monday, June 3, 2013

A short Money Update....

So after my long winded budget post the other day, I have some updates for you now that the extra check of all happy has hit my account...

The overtime I indicated that i would be expecting, was that 3 day lifeguard class I taught last month... which meant some big buck-er-oos...

After we tithe, it is enough money to send our first $1,100 lump sum to the Roth IRA like we planed... it also gives us $208.24 to send up to the Roth to make up for last month when we didn't drop the full amount in because we cash flowed the home appraisal... It also gives us the $97.36 we may or may not be in the hole, so now regardless we aren't in the hole for may because we end up with a positive $4.86 to our name... and we still have the May mortgage payment in its fullness if we need to send it in this week if we aren't signing our loan documents.

I already feel so much better... Our outline for June is so much simplier:
  • Pay back May overage if there is one... (DONE)
  • Pay any out of pocket mortgage refinance costs without dipping into the Emergency Fund... 
  • Get Roth IRA Balance to $2,500.00 since we are 6 months into the year... Currently Need: $1,534.85  (DONE)
All we have to do is just cash flow the mortgage refinance! So if we don't pay our May mortgage we are all set with the money we need... if we do need to pay it, we will have SCB's paychecks, and I should have some overtime coming in from the holiday to help... and since we need around $400, we should be all set! and we'll eventually get that money back when they cash out our escrow account from the first mortgage.

Its nice with us each having a job! I could get used to having to worry less about money.... :)

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