Saturday, October 16, 2010

Why I love fall

The leaves change colors and fall all on my balcony, and its considered "seasonal" not to sweep it. =)

In college one of the RA's and my best-est friend ever taught me how to crochet. I used to just make scarfs and really simple things, but now I can make blankets and beanies too. In the fall and winter, the weather cools down more and I tend to make things while I watch shows on my Computer (cause i don't pay for cable). Boyfriends sister in law is pregnant so I think I might try and learn to read a pattern or something and try to make her little boy something by the time I go out there in November for thanksgiving since i'll get to meet her for the first time then.

In the weeks to come I think i'll probably start reading more. I'm half way through 2 of the 5 books I started reading simultaneously... but i really didn't start to dent them till just now.

I also tend to go through my things around the holidays and weed out belongings I don't want to keep in preparation for the new year. Its kind of awesome to simplify. I may even start to do and finish the scrap book from all my college memories. When I lived at my first apartment, and my second I was able to condense all my high school memories, old flames, and pictures to one scrapbook and its really nice to just have a few pages and highlights from awesome times. I currently have a box under my bed of memories from college, but it would be nice to start working on that and creative the "college memory book." =)

1 word: Holidays!!!! I'm already trying to figure out who to buy presents for and what they want. I love holidays. They are fantastic and happy, and wonderful.

Engagements: My two friends just got engaged to each other and I'm uber excited for them!!!!!!

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