Saturday, September 18, 2010

Another position is open at work


The question is... do i apply?

While emotionally I'm not sure if I can take another rejection so soon if I don't get the job... but then on the flip side, I think I'd be upset if I didn't try for it.

I'd get a 5% raise if I got the job & i'd get slightly better hours, but i'd have to work the same days of the week I do now... (which isn't m-f)...



  1. ... one more thing... who is the hiring manager? Give that person a call to introduce yourself and ask about the job before you apply ... that way you are networking. Tell them you are interested but have a few questions (then as ask a questions or two ...) if they receive 400 applications, he/she will remember your name and take a double take at your resume.

    Also, maybe circle back with the HR person and schedule a career development meeting and ask them for their advice since you have not been selected for any of the postions you interviewed for.

    I recently scheduled a mtg w/myh HR because I had applied for over 50 jobs in my company with NO results.... After I met w/HR I was invited for an interview .... so it never hurts to stay connected to HR.

    Good luck again.

  2. It seems like you've been rejected for every job in your city you've applied for. Have you asked the hiring managers why? Perhaps you are lacking experience that you can add before applying again and being rejected. There has to be a reason you're not getting hired. You also have to be careful that you don't get a rep for applying for everything no matter what just to make more money or escape your current department. That may also be what's hurting you.

  3. I would try for it. You have nothing to lose and you may get it. I think that you can deal with the rejection if need be easier than the regret if you don't apply.
