Sunday, October 12, 2008

Go to a retirement planning meeting!

I went to one of mine and I found out A LOT!!!

  1. Apparently I can go and buy back some time worked before I was vested. (so apparently those years as a sixteen year old shmuck aren't wasted after all. I can buy them back --at full cost to me... which i'll be finding out later.)
  2. I learned that CalPERS is guaranteed dispite market fluxuations. My pension isn't affected
  3. and I can buy an additional 5 years of service (the cost of less then one years salary) over 180 months if I want. Based on whatever rate i'm currently earning... So once i'm vested i'm in

I'm going to figure out when I was officially vested, how much it will cost for 5 years to purchase, and how much it will cost to purchase my old time back.

I don't think i'll be putting anymore money into a Roth... I won't need to WAHOO!

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