Sunday, July 13, 2008

I made a wonderful mistake! I'm retiring early (8 years earlier)

My calpers formula is 2.7 @ 55....!!! not 2.5%.

I can retire at 57... with 1.5 million in todays dollars, assuming i make $40,000.00 a year (which I am.)

Why 57? It will suppliment over 100% of the income i'll be making at retirement by staying an extra 2 years... AND It insures that i'll recieve money coming in until i'm 99 (cause i could live that long with modern medicine).

With my income right now, I'll recieve over $41,000 a year till i'm 99.... I actually used the official CAlpers website to calculate it. and that's all before utilizing my ROTH IRA!!!!!!! Can we say travel???

New retirement date: Wednesday, June 3rd, 2043

I just knocked off 8 years!!!!!

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