Sunday, June 29, 2008

I'm a spazz and i finally have an amazing roommate

So apparently last night I left my house and car keys at my boyfriends. How'd that happen since I woke up in my bed and didn't know until i tried to leave for work????

he picked me up last night, so naturally he was going to drive me home... (i took a light nap on the couch cause he was working the night shift and we were not going to head to my place till 10:45 so he could make sure i got home and then leave for work from my place (my place is closer to his call place and the freeway)...

well the other day, I gave the boyfriend his own key to the apartment (the double and my favorite roommate ever) said it was a good idea since we both know him and it would be good for someone to have a key that's always around in case of an emergency... and so when he tucks me in late at night he can lock the bolt on the door for safety reasons...

So HE unlocked the door last night with HIS key... mine are still in his car (aka fell out of my purse) or back on the kitchen counter at his house since he handed me my cell (which i almost left there in my sleepy state)...

my amazing roommate got up at 6:25 AM and got me to work by 6:45AM.... I LOVE HER!!!!! she also offered to pick me up after work if i can't get a hold of the boyfriend by that time so i don't have to walk home... (but i might walk home)

1 comment:

  1. Wow she really is a great roommate!! that was so cool of her.
