Monday, April 21, 2008

.... i don't feel good right now...

you know when you get that sinking feeling in your belly? I have it now...

My roommate (greek Goddess friend) I've only seen 2 days this month... and when I asked her if I could get the rent by the 23rd, she said no problem... and the 23rd is approaching and I haven't gotten it yet.... So I left her a voicemail the other night and told her to forget the ebill since she hasn't been there this month, but that I needed the rent by wed because i'm house sitting and won't be home much to know when its there. *** I'm crossing my fingers and really hoping that she comes through... because if she doesn't, i'm screwed....

Hense why I decided to only put 1,000 in a CD and not the whole 5,000 of my emergency fund.

1 comment:

  1. Just think how nice it is going to be when you move back home and don't have to worry about rent at all. :)
