Monday, October 29, 2007

I already feel motivated again

So my lack of motivation is gone... I'm completely wired and back in the game!!!! just the idea of shooting for something I really want, my own place or at least the ability to have my own place is setting me on fire!

The networth crossed the $18,000 line because i sent that extra $100 to my Roth and sent an additional 121.57 to my invisiline... I feel excited to pay down debt again!

And of course with that little extra I sent, the figures I posted yesterday need to be updated! I still can't do it until November 2008... but if i find $251.43 i'll have my debt done in March... and if i find $400.00 I can move out in October!
  1. November: --> Debt 2167.43 -->EF 3793.83
  2. December: --> Debt 1688.43 -->EF 4011.15
  3. January: --> Debt 1209.43 -->EF 4228.47
  4. February: --> Debt 730.43 -->EF 4445.79
  5. March: --> Debt 251.43 -->EF 4663.11
  6. April: --> Debt 0 [Extra 227.57 to EF] -->EF 5000 + extra $108.00 moving out

then in May i can roll over all of those savings [479+ 217.32= 696.32] amounts to moving out:

  1. May: Moving out Fund: 804.32
  2. June: Moving out Fund: 1,500.64

Then in July, since i'd have to move to another place... i'd only have $500.00 to save each month

  1. July: 2000.64
  2. Aug: 2500.64
  3. Sept: 3000.64
  4. Oct: 3400 +100.64 house dp and I could move out Nov 1st 2008

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