Wednesday, February 7, 2007

I need to move out sooner

My friend cancelled her birthday party... she has midterms and finals on Monday and apparently really needs to study to pick up her grades... while i'm slightly bummed about the party being cancelled... I won't have to pay the gas to get out there.... and back.... with the toll fees and then a nice dinner and then entertainment stuff.... So financially for my pocket, this is a good deal! And since I decided to go back to mexico again this Saturday, I can do it on a full nights sleep and not one in which i sleep in the car on the way up!

So far, so good on my new Cash back CC game i'm playing. After I make a purchase (using the card) I move that money into Electric Orange so by the time the bill comes, I can pay it directly from that account and i'll earn interest on money i've already spent!

My new debt level, BTW for my car is: $8,170.19 woot... which makes my last payment due in sept for $781.97... if i keepsending them 1156 a month

My mom and my sister got into a huge fight last night... a lot of yelling, and some physical violence... I'm pushing the move out plan..... to September if not earlier

So I talked to dee about moving out last night... She wants to stay in the area I want to (which is good) so were going to shoot for the end of the summer... Right now its september.

I'll probably need 3,000 to move out since its only dee and me ( 700 first, 700 last, 1,000 security deposit and 600 for appliances and fees to turn on electricity and stuff plus necessities like plates and cookware)

Which is do-able i believe if I by pass adding cash into my retirement account. By September's end I will have my car paid off (if not sooner) and i'll have $2746.28 (374.03 left over from re-paying my car, 492.04 from extra e-fund payments, 70.21 that i already have, 210 designed for moving out via the 30 a month.... and i'll have gotten both March and August floater paychecks approx 1600 total)

So by the end of september i'll have:
  • A 1,000 e-fund
  • a retirement account with about $1450.00 in it
  • 2746.28 to move out
  • and i should have enough cash to cover my last symester of college, and walk with my BA debt free....

Hopefully I can get a second job over the summer to help bump up the move date and my retirement balance.... I hate not putingt the money in there, but staying at home is not a sterling option.

I might revisit the budget again and see where i can cut out for sanity.

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