Saturday, January 5, 2008

A little bit about what's going on in my life, some finance stories, and dating on a dime.

A little bit about what's going on in my life, some finance stories, and dating on a dime.

Hotel Boy, who is my best male friend and basically my older by 7 days non related brother, wanted me to go see a movie (national treasure 2) with him and i think his girlfriend K, who's also my good friend... but i told him i was waiting for the $1.50 theater cause i can't blow 11 bucks on a movie with Bee moving out so suddenly... and that i just don't see movies in the expensive theater unless i have a gift certificate or unless a whole big group of people are going to see the same movie.... But i told him if he was going to do something else to let me know. =)

(i ended up hanging with my boyfriend for a little while and falling asleep at 8:45pm and doing nada that night... I was supposed to go over to Techie's parent's place and hangout and watch movies.... but i had been running on 3 hours of sleep the last few nights and it was so nice to call it an early night.)

The other girl who still kind of likes my boyfriend and I are trying to be civil, maybe friends? I'm not sure really, but I asked her to get coffee with me the other day because I felt she didn't really know what happened... she understood where I'm coming from and we're being civil for now, which is nice for a change. But its still a little awkward... anyways, She invited me down to see the Dead Sea Scrolls with her yesterday (and hopefully a group of people,) and i told her I had a work meeting so I couldn't go until at least 6pm, and i asked how much it was to get in because one of my roommates was moving out so i had to eat part of her rent and had to be more careful with my money... she told me $28 bucks and i told her i couldn't blow that much cash, but maybe next time, or the next thing we all do as a group...

The funny thing is, my boyfriend told her almost the same thing (not about the roommate moving out because he still lives with his parents) but because he's freelance and they didn't process his check yet so he didn't have any cash... =)

Later she texted me telling me they were going on Sunday instead around 6 and I told her I had Church and that I really couldn't blow that much money on admission... lol, some people apparently don't get it... But at least my boyfriend does.

He was telling me a story the other day when we went to Disneyland (I found out that Bee was moving out late that night at the park... a little downer, but he and Techie cheered me up.)

Either way, before Techie, showed up we were roaming the park solo and he told me how in the past one of his Co-Workers "m" asked him why he didn't get a girlfriend before, and my boyfriend told him that you need money to date a girl... cause they like nice things, and you should pay for dates, etc and "m" told him that, that was bull and a girl shouldn't like you for your pocket book, (which is the first nice honest and true thing to come out of his mouth... he believes that dating multiple people is okay and he is the definition of a player... lol) but either way my boyfriend now knows what "M" meant by all that. That sweet gestures don't have to always be bought... and that they shouldn't be demanded or expected.

Apparently I'm the first girl he's dated to tell him that he doesn't have to buy me flowers and stuffed bears all the time... and I'm definitely the first girl to tell him that I'd be happier if he paid off his CC and kept it off, then to charge it up buying stuff for me... He know's I'd frown if he charged something as apposed to buying it with cash. =)

The other day he came over to hang out while i cleaned my apartment and did laundry. While he was there he fixed my closet, the smoke alarm, took out the trash,--twice, and helped me change the broken belt on my new vacuum cleaner. I made a frozen lasagna in the oven and we had dinner at my place before driving to his parents house to meet up with Hotel boy and his GirlFriend "K" for a doubles pool game.

All in all, the night costs us zero bucks (i bought the food with last months grocery money)... and we still had a wonderful night.

Yeah for dating on a dime

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